Family History Open Day

The Family History Group held a successful open day last Friday.  People who attended were helped to progress with their family tree by members of the group.  Feedback received was very positive.  Pam also gave a very informative talk on her family tree.

I am working on my family tree and I have been so grateful for the help I have received from members of the group, this is what the U3A is all about.  The leaders are available at the coffee mornings on a Tuesday, so if you need some direction on how to start a family tree, why not have a word with them.

History For Fun 21st June

The next meeting for History For Fun will take place on Friday 21st June 2019 at Kensington House (Old Conservative Club near Maghull Station) at 2.30 to 4.00 pm.

The group will continue to meet on the 3rd Friday of each month.  There will be a variety of topics and some lively discussions and input from all will be most welcome.

The topic on 21st will be British Eccentrics.

Further details can be obtained from Norman Stalford 531 9354

Nordic Walking 10th June

The Monday evening group will be walking  from Halsall to Lydiate along the canal on 10th June.  You would need to have been on the training for Nordic Walking to take part.  If you are interested come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222.

Law For Fun

The next meeting for this group is 20th June at Lydiate Villiage Hall. (not Parish Hall) at 2-4pm.  John has recommended the following :

These are excellent lectures and eclipses anything I could do!

The Reith Lectures – 2019: Jonathan Sumption, 1/5. Law’s Expanding Empire – @bbcradio4

The Reith Lectures – 2019: Jonathan Sumption, 2/5. In Praise of Politics – @bbcradio4

Some of the members of this group are away this month so if you would like to come to this meeting come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222

Murder Mystery Walk in Chester

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Sunday Strollers decided to try something different this month. 18 of our members solved a mystery murder in Chester.  We split into 3 groups of 6. Group 1  got off to a flying start.  We started at St John the Baptists Church and the ruins next to it.  We had 22 clues in total to solve and we visited the Amphitheatre, River Side, Edgar Field Park.

Continue reading

Calligraphy Group update

Members interested in starting a Calligraphy Group have held a meeting and have agreed the following:

  • To hold monthly meetings
  • Group will start on Wednesday the 18th September and then on the third Wednesday of the month after that.
  • Meetings will initially be for 1 hour.  From 1pm to 2pm and they would not have a break.
  • The venue would be St Peters Hall (Remember there is parking round the back)

If you would like to join this group please come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning  for further details.

I would like to thank Ros Leith for chairing this meeting, and to Mary Prendergast for coming up with the idea.  This is what the U3A is all about, a group of people meeting and starting a group on a subject that interests them.

If you have any ideas for a new group come to the Group Support desk on a Tuesday and we will try and make it happen.

Nordic Walking 5 mile walk

The weather last night was perfect for walking and 12  members turned up at Nordic Walking in Lydiate.  We completed a five walk in 1.5 hours, that’s 18 minute miles.  That is the longest walk we have completed on a Monday night so we must be getting fitter.

You do need to complete a short course  with Active Sefton before you can join the group.  Our walks in the summer are from Lydiate and are for 1.5 hours. Our walks in the winter are shorter and last for 1 hour.  We also offer an hourly walk every other Monday morning from the Maghull Meadows Leisure Centre.

Active Sefton have Nordic Walking groups most days of the week in different parts of the borough.  If you want more details go onto the Active Sefton website or visit the group support desk on a Tuesday morning

Law for Fun – no meeting in May

There will be no “Law for Fun” on 16th May as John is unavailable. In the
third session to be held on 20th June 2019 John will talk through some of
the basic components of our legal system ie sources of law, different types
of court, basic criminal liability and the rules of evidence as they apply
to confessions. John will also go through a case study involving a high
profile miscarriage of justice ( suggested by a group member) but will end
the session on a “fun” note”!
As some of the group members are away on that date we have room for some other members to attend this meeting.  If you are not part of the group and would like to attend please come to the Group Support desk or text Brenda McKenzie on 07900525222

Calligraphy Group 15th May

We are going to hold a meeting on 15th May at St Peters Hall Moorhey Road, opposite Hudson School, 1.30 to 3pm to see if we can get this group going.  At the moment we have people interested but no leader, so I am going to try and find someone who will act as the co-ordinator.   If you are interested in joining this group please come to Group Support desk on a Tuesday morning or text me on 07900525222 Brenda McKenzie