Clieves Hill 26/08/2021

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Sixteen walkers met at Lydiate Parish Hall for a walk to Clieves Hill. It was warm but cloudy as Anne took the roll call, but before we set off, the cloud cleared and we had glorious weather for the rest of the trip. We walked south on Southport Road and turned off into Sandhurst Way. A kissing gate in Sandy Lane took us on to a footpath Continue reading

Hightown to Freshfield 24/06/2021

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We met at Hightown Station and signed the register to say we’d read the Risk Assessment. Crossing the Railway Line by the footbridge, we set off along a tarmac path parallel to the railway. Soon we reached the entrance to Altcar Training Camp, one of the UK’s premier facilities for small arms marksmanship training. Signs on the Continue reading

Outdoor activities to resume

With the easing of certain restrictions regarding outdoor activities and people meeting outdoors some of our groups are keen to get going and meet up with other members.
Whilst many of our members have been out and about, either solo or in pairs, on an informal basis as friends, the coming months will give us the opportunity to resume official u3a outdoor activities as near as possible to normal as the current pandemic permits.
From March 29th people will be permitted to engage in recreation and outdoor activity provided the Rule of 6 is observed.  Our Golf and Bowls Groups will meet up at this time as will the Day Riders and In-betweeners Cycling Groups together with Nordic Walking ( Rule of 6 ).
Other Outdoor Activity groups such as The Breakaway Cyclists, Sunday Strollers and Walk a Mile or Two will officially resume in April.

‘side by side’ maps

Here is a link to a new type of mapping service from the National Library of Scotland that displays a map along side a photographic image of the relevant area. The maps and the images can be selected independently and the whole of the UK is covered

This may be of interest to various groups especially as some maps go back to 1885 and come in various ‘flavours’.  Enjoy

Crosby Beach Walk

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This was our first walk since February’s Cheshire Ring walk. Lockdown and car sharing issues have halted our canal walks. As COVID restrictions seemed to be easing, a local walk had been planned to re-unite us. Then as the rules changed again, we thought we might have to abort it. As we’d be in small socially distanced groups Continue reading