Computer help desk -Scam news

The Metropolitan Police’s “Little Book of Big Scams” (5th edition) does not explicitly state its copyright information.More and more news of late regarding scams, particularly on-line. For those who missed the excellent presentation on ‘computer fraud’ there is a booklet published by the North West Regional Crime Unit that’s freely available and on line. Click link below:

The Little Book of Big Scams

Its full of useful information regarding scams, avoiding them and how to deal with them. The download is in PDF form. If you have issues with reading it then please contact the Digital Help Desk folk on the website.

New financial fraud rules become active on Monday 7th October.

You might also be interested to hear about the new  rules
on the BBC ‘money box’ podcast article link here.

Tech and Science – September

The Technology and Science group starts the new
season with the following topics:

Sep 11th : White Mountain – The asbestos story

Sep 25th : Chocolate  chemistry and manufacture

Meetings are 2.30 – 4 pm. at Kensington House

We are always looking for presenters and topics so if you have some thing that you feel might be of interest please contact Colin or Phil 

Digital cameras – B+W

Hi everyone. We got some great photos for the ’Black & White’ subject.

Thanks to everyone that came along to the meeting on Monday.

It was a challenge finding what we considered the best.
Members entered some creative images, computer generated pencil drawings effect and a picture using an infrared camera. See if you can spot them.

Have a great summer. See you in the Autumn – we resume 2nd Sep. –Terry

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