Author Archives: janejones
Flicks and Friends
Join us for a showing of ‘A Complete Unknown’ at the Plaza Cinema Crosby on the 28th January 2025. The story covers the life of the 19 year old Bob Dylan as he arrives in New York.
Doors open at 12:15 pm with the film starting at 13:00. Free for the over sixties but donations are always welcome.
Christmas Concert
On the 10th of December we held our end of year Christmas Concert. We had a choir from Hudson Road Primary School start our show and their enthusiasm and rousing rendition of We Wish You A Merry Christmas made the perfect start to our morning.
Our six readers through prose and poetry gave us an insight into the way Christmas celebrations have changed over the years through classic and humorous works.
Aughton and Ormskirk Guitar Group then took to the stage and wowed us with a medley of songs that made us tap our toes and join in with great gusto.
We ended with a very energetic rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas followed by tea/coffee and a mince pie.
We were also able to hand over to Woodlands Hospice the amazing sum of £615.00 – well done everyone.
Remember there are no more Tuesday Coffee Mornings until we re-open on the 7th of January 2025. Groups may well have different days for re-starting.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all .
PA system
This PA system was found in the store cupboard at the MBC. They believe this belongs to us but I have no record of it on our inventory. If you recognise it please contact me.
Final Day for Group Leaders and Treasury
Our Group Leaders and the Treasury Team will be available for the last time this year on the 3rd of December. Any cheques needed by leaders should have been booked already.
Group Leaders and the Treasury Team will be back on the 7th of January 2025
Flicks and Friends
Join us at the Plaza in Crosby for a feel good Christmas movie. Doors open at 12:15 with the film starting at 13:00. Entry is free for the over 60s but donations are always gratefully received.
Book Stall Request
At the Book Stall we are very grateful for all the books we receive but we would like to ask a favour.
Could you please ensure that the books we receive are clean and in reasonable condition? A few of our books recently have been a little worse for wear and are a bit difficult to move in. Thank you for your help.
Possible New Guitar Group
If this is something that appeals to you please use the comments box to register your interest or put your name and contact number on the notice board in the church hall.
Christmas Celebration Concert
Programmes for our Christmas Concert will be on sale on the 3rd of December. It’s your last chance to get a ticket for our show.
Flicks and Friends 19.11.24
Join us at the Plaza Cinema in Waterloo on the 19th of November for a viewing of the psychological drama ‘The Lost Daughter’.
The film, starring Olivia Coleman and Dakota Johnson, tells the story of Leda and her obsession with a mother and daughter she meets on holiday.
Doors open at 12:15 with the film starting at 13:00. Entry is free but donations are greatly appreciated.