Creative Crafts

This vibrant and exciting group has room for a few more members.  Meeting each Monday at St George’s URC Church on Northway at 13:30 the group has produced many a display of their skill at our Tuesday Coffee Morning and impressed all who attended.                      Examples of their work in embroidery, quilting collage and patchwork, to name just a few, have been quite breathtaking. Ideas abound within the group and the members are all ready to share their skills with you.

Ring Maureen Collier on 0151 526 0837 so you can find out exactly what this group can offer you.


Committee Vacancy & Training Opportunity.

In May 2024 our current Secretary, Linda Simms, will come to the end of her term of office having held the role for six years.  This means we are now actively seeking someone who would like to take on this valuable role.

Linda still has five months in her role and would welcome any member who would like to shadow her during that time.  We are quite happy to split Linda’s role into two  distinct parts if it helps, so that can be shared by two members.

Firstly we will need a Minutes Secretary to take down the confidential minutes of our Committee Meetings and our Group Leaders’ Meetings.  There are ten Committee meeting a year and some three group Leader Meetings.  An ability to use shorthand is a great advantage here, but it should not preclude anyone from taking on the role.

Secondly we will need an Admin Secretary who will deal with the forms and the procedures of the u3a Trust.

If you think either of these positions would interest you please contact Linda or Jane on a Tuesday morning for more details or email us at

Joyous Christmas Concert

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Today was our last u3a meeting of the year and we enjoyed our Joyous Christmas Concert in style. A wonderful group of children from St George’s Catholic School gave us a medley of Christmas carols. They sang their hearts out and had us all toe tapping in time with their tunes.
We had a short play about being Christmas ready but somehow I think all the planning in the world still leaves us rushing for that forgotten thing!
We listened to Tony play his violin and joined in with carols as Chris, ably aided by Lynne, played the piano beautifully.

The proceeds from our programme sale and a retiring collection was received by Paula, one of the fund raising team at Woodlands Hospice.

Rev Ralph gave the blessing and tea/coffee/ mince pies awaited us in the hall.

Those who had helped with the concert then went on to Ladygreen to rest on our laurels as we tucked in to our festive meal.
A great start to our Christmas holiday!! Thank you to all who supported us this morning and throughout the year 🎄🎄🎄🍾🎉🎁

Flicks and Friends

Join us at the Plaza Cinema, Crosby next Tuesday 5th December. Age Concern are showing ‘The Man Who Invented Christmas’ at 13:00 with the cinema doors opening at 12:15.

Age Concern make no charge but are very happy to accept donations especially at this time of year.

Flicks and Friends

Join us on the 21st of November at the Plaza Cinema in Crosby for  a showing of the spy thriller ‘The Courier’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch.

Based on a true story of a businessman turned spy British businessman, Greville Wynne (BenedictCumberbatch) becomes entangled in one of the greatest international conflicts in history. Recruited by MI6 and a CIA operative, (Rachel Brosnahan), Wynne forms a covert partnership with Soviet officer Oleg Penkovsky (Merab Ninidze).

Both men risk everything in a compelling race against time to provide the intelligence needed to prevent nuclear confrontation and end the Cuban Missile Crisis.
