Tunnels and Birkenhead Priory tour

On Thursday 11th May the Architecture for Fun group will tour the Williamson Tunnels followed by lunch at The Start Yard Cafe in Birkenhead and then visit  Birkenhead Priory in the afternoon.

  • Cost per member is £35. Leaving Maghull at 9.15 “ONLY 5 PLACE LEFT”

Please visit the A4F desk to book a place and pay the required fee.

I have been requested by Lynn from Williamson Tunnels to advise members as follows

ALL VISITORS MUST HAVE FULL MOBILITY , WE HAVE QUITE A FEW STAIRS AND GOOD WALKING SHOES ARE REQUIRED ,if any member who has booked or wants to book must take note of these requirements. Please advise George if you have booked but cannot comply and your name will be taken of the trip list.

Shakespeare North – April 27th 2023

Arrangements have been agreed with the theatre for a visit on Thursday 27 April.

A coach will depart from Maghull Square (9.45am ) , there will be an “Heritage Tour” of the theatre (group split in to 2) followed by lunch in the restaurant ( country vegetable soup with platters of 4 different sandwiches salad and crisps) and tea/coffee (alcoholic beverages may be available to purchase by members)

Cost is £30 per member.


Text George on 07826 048379 if a  member requires a place or visit Architecture for Fun desk

A4Fun – Ludlow 23rd March

Arrangements have been completed for the above trip

Luxury coach from Maghull Square , leaving 8.00am , entry to Ludlow Castle , guided tour of the Castle ( Carol Overs) , lunch at Chapter 66 Restaurant Cafe (Damien McNamara) in the castle ,  an artefact demonstration (Leon Bracelin) and , hopefully , if time allows , a walk around the market

Cost per member £35



A4F Ludlow in March

Arrangements are in hand to visit Ludlow on 23rd March

Leaving Maghull Square , travel by luxury coach , Guided tour of Ludlow Castle , special lunch in the Castle cafe , time to visit the market in the town (and other areas if members so wish)

Cost depends on numbers booking (ie. coach costs)

Call or text George on 07826 048379 to book a place or call into “Tuesday coffee morning”



Ulverston Trip 2nd February 2023 (LEAVE 9.15AM)

Luxury coach from Maghull Square at approx.9.15am arrive in Ulverston at approx. 11.15 -11.30

Lunch at StanLaurel Inn at 12 noon approx. , soup , sandwich and chips with tea/coffee

Time available before lunch to have photographs at the Stan Laurel statue and a look around Ulverston

Arrive at Kadampa Buddhist Temple at 2.00pm approx. , A 90 minute guided tour will be taken starting at the Temple , telling the story of Conishead Priory (Romantic Gothic Architecture) and Modern Kadampa with a chance for mediataion

Tea and coffee after tour



Manjushri Kadampa Temple, Ulverston

Arrangements are in hand to visit the Manjushri Kadampa Temple on Thursday 2nd February 2023. Hopefully there will be a guided tour, a talk on Buddhism and meditation, a visit to the Temple and access to the extensive grounds. There will also be time for at least a “cream tea” if not a “soup and sandwich” lunch

Can members text or telephone George on 07826 048379 to add there names to a list.

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AFF Christmas lunch update

Members are to note that the time for arrival is 12 noon or a bit earlier

The Acadamy Restaurant is in Tradewind Square, off Duke Street.

Tradewind Square is down a gap between Il Forno Restaurant and Sapporo Restaurant at the top of Duke Street , the gap is opposite Colquitt Street.

If any member requires further clarification please call George on 07826 048379.