Theatre Group

Last Night of Proms     Saturday 22nd July

Philharmonic                £40.00 ticket and transport

Please book by Tuesday 13th June

We are taking names of those interested in the following shows.  Please come to the Theatre Group desk on Tuesday mornings.  We will confirm cost and book the shows when we have enough names.

Cilla                         Friday 8th  September      Liverpool Empire

Giselle                     Friday  27th October         Liverpool Empire

Die Fledermaus       Friday 10th November      Liverpool Empire

War Horse               Friday 1st December        Liverpool Empire

1 thought on “Theatre Group

  1. Please don’t forget Aughton and Ormskirks U3a Musical Theatre Group Production ” We got Life ” at the Civic Hall on Thursday and Friday
    The 4/5 May. Guaranteed good entertainment, with great music and
    Dance. Pay on the door, or ring me on 07801 106335
    Thank You
    Peter Lloyd
    Publicly and Coordinator

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