Technology and Science

Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Kensington House, Station Road at 2.30

Forthcoming Subjects.
11th October.        Guns by Frank Wood
25th October.        Let there be light by Norman Stalford.
8th   November      The Great American Elipise by John Blundell.
22nd November      Sand Wars by Colin Bennett.
No Meetings in December

Technology & Science

Wed 8 March

Blood – Composition and chemistry.

An introduction to blood history, chemistry without the gore.

Wed 22 March

Tours of Liverpool’s Old Dock

The T+S group will be taking a ‘free’ tour of Liverpool’s revolutionary Old Dock – the world’s first commercial enclosed wet dock on Wednesday March 22 @ 2.30 pm.

Please Note. This Tour is now Fully Booked with a reserve list