Hello everyone. Can’t believe June is with us. The garden is flourishing and weeds are thriving so now is the time to keep on top of any problems. Hoe in all the weeds. No need to be on your hands and knees – hoeing them into the ground will kill them. Start deadheading your baskets and containers to encourage more flowers. Watering is very important at this time of year. I never let the baskets or containers dry out. If you do you will weaken your plants .Feeding is very important, so feed with a liquid feed and sprinkle fish blood bone around the pots and hoe in the soil. A friend of mine asked me what to feed his hostas with and I happened to call to see how his garden was growing and saw the biggest hosta ever. In fact it was more like a young sapling 18″ high and ready to flower. He had taken my advice and used plenty of F.B.Bone, rotted manure and liquid feed –   proves beyond doubt how beneficial this can be. I told him he had produced a monster (photo attached).

If you are planting a shrub or any plant this month make sure you soak it first in a bucket of water and spray your borders to stop aphids etc, slugs and snails which  are a menace now. I have managed to keep my hostas free of them with cheap coffee powder and gravel plus a walk about when its dark. With a torch you can collect 50, no problem.

Well back to my garden – it opens  in 2 weeks and I must admit it’s looking good and a bit like a tropical jungle, so please pay us a visit on 14 15 June or arrange a private visit. £3.50 to goes to Macmillan Cancer Support. Phone 0151 526 7034.IMAG0360                                                   Hosta (plantain) heading  for the sky.


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